Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Eyes Are Open - My Heart Is Broken

Friday, January 28, 2011

I had predicted to my family and close friends that something BIG was going to happen today…I could feel it in my bones. I was going to get proof or confirmation of my belief that Sergeant Ross with the Burbank Police Department was involved with the alteration of the video that was used to prosecute me. I did indeed obtain that. From that point on, however, my story, as it turned out today, is far different from the way I thought it was going to turn out.

Yes, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is real. I have lived through HELL the last 1 ½ years. It would have been far better to have been shot and killed by the police than to have to endured the trauma I have been subjected to. At least when you are dead you no longer can feel pain. It is indeed ironical that people sue for wrongful death and yet the person that was injured, terminally, is the dead person. NOTHING that is done will ever change that. And if the relatives left behind are hurting, no amount of money in the world can fix that either. I do understand the significance, however, of monetary judgements in the form of punitive damages. Hopefully such actions will discourage the guilty individual from continuing their corrupt behavior.

Let’s look at my experience from a different perspective. My injuries were caused by the City Attorney’s office, the Burbank Police Department, the Burbank Airport Police, and the good old federal government (Homeland Security). What these people did to me was totally illegal and unethical. They falsely arrested me, threw me in jail, altered the video evidence to make me look like a monster, and maliciously prosecuted me. By doing so, they not only made me look bad in the public’s eye, but the worse thing was that I felt betrayed by my own family members because they believed the video and felt my behavior was inappropriate. I kept trying to convince them that the “abusive” part of the video was fabricated, but they never would believe me.

This feeling of betrayal hurts so bad right now that I hope and pray that I will be able to get over it, and soon. I used to be a very happy, outgoing, loving wife, mother and grandmother. But that has changed. It hurts. Will I get better? I hope so but I do not know when. Yesterday is not fast enough.

First I was fighting to prove my innocence (which cost me over $20,000 and 1 ½ years of my life; I did get the case dismissed). Then TSA came after me civilly for $2500 for interfering with the screening process (which I did not do; they did by not allowing me to go through with my mom’s pre-approved food and beverage). After the criminal charges were dismissed, the civil case was also dismissed.

If the same identical case had happened with a private individual instead of a governmental entity (the TSA) I could have sued the pants off of them for false arrest and tampering with evidence (which is a felony). When such an incidence occurs, one presses charges with a legal entity (law enforcement officer, City Attorney, District Attorney, etc.). If their investigation shows that there is sufficient evidence, they proceed with the prosecution for and in behalf of "the people".

Here is what I learned today and what broke my heart. I thought that in America we had a system of justice. We have laws to protect us, the people. We say in the Pledge of Allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

We no longer have a justice system. Instead we have a legal system. It protects the government from ever being prosecuted. All governmental entities are in the same club; they have banded together and, like a gang, will not go against each other. So when an innocent person has been injured by a governmental entity, they need to start the “legal” process. One cannot make a claim, even pro se, and have the case presented before a judge and jury to be heard. Rather, it has to be initiated by a governmental entity. I can tell you right now they will always refuse to do so, just as they have done with me.

Oh, they will make it look good in the public eye. They will then say that after considering the evidence they did not find sufficient evidence to open an investigation. Road Block!!! You can go no further. They get off no matter how bad their actions. If the same action were to happen by another citizen, they would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and imprisoned for their wrong doings. I have a new saying, and once again it holds true: “There is no such thing as common sense in this world today.”

I’m sorry, I find it nauseating to think that such a double standard is allowed to exist. The government can alter a video and make an innocent, loyal American citizen look like a monster. I have evidence that this was done to me. But I cannot prosecute because our governmental entities will not start the prosecution process. This is no longer a government “of the people, for the people, by the people.” It is indeed a government which I am no longer proud to be associated with. I truly do feel that if our founding fathers saw what is going on now, they would literally roll over in their graves.

Until major changes happen in our government, I will not be able to say the Pledge of Allegiance. My country has failed me. I believe in the motto “practice what you preach”. If you preach honesty, practice it. We are indeed being deceived by our government. I now see what the current conspiracy theories are all about.

Yes, I have had several attorneys willing to sue the governmental entities. Mary Frances Prevost filed a 5 million dollar claim with the federal government. She said, “Don’t worry about the alteration of the video. It is fine the way it is.” Now that my eyes have been opened I understand that what she meant to say was, “Don’t argue the authenticity of the video. If you do, they will throw it out completely. When they do that, you have no evidence other than hear say. You will not win.”

I am sorry, if I did that, I would be lying to myself. I would be pressing charges against someone and would be using evidence that I knew was falsified. That would be unethical and illegal. I have maintained from day one that I will stand for truth and righteousness. I will live that standard until the day I die.

It is getting late and I need to go to bed. I am weary. My heart is broken. I hope I will be able to heal to the point that I can at least find joy and love with my family. My country has indeed let me down. The only way I will be proud to be an American again is if the United States of America changes and upholds the same standards I have…maybe I should run for President of the United States? That’s an interesting thought. I’ll blog on that idea another time.

Good night.

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